Editions and multiple languages
Danish and English editions of articles i have written, som on ethics, som on Bodypsychotherapist and some on brain and development.
Krop og seksualitet. Om fagkompetencer og grænser
Bentzen, M & Brantbjerg, M
Tidsskrift for Psykoterapi nr 1, januar 2020.
Mentaliseringstrekanten – en neuroaffektiv arbejdsmodel
Bentzen, M & Hart, S.
Tidsskrift for Psykoterapi nr 3, oktober 2017
Dances of connection: Neuroaffective development in clinical work with attachment
Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy, 2015.
Etiske perspektiver i psykoterapi
Psykoterapi nr 1, februar 2014.
Psykoterapeutens indre supervisor. Om mentalisering på de sociale medier.
2014, Psykoterapi nr 2
Om mentalisering på de sociale medier.
Childs’ play – natural origins of status, the SCT Authority Phase and Functional Subgrouping
Systems-centered News, vol 21, no 2, winter 2013, spring 2014. Systems-centered Press, Decatur.
Developmental perspectives on joining in functional subgrouping
Systems Centered Training Newsletter, Autumn 2009.
Spiritualitet, Psykoterapi og Etik. En pejling i grænselandet
2010 // Marianne Bentzen og Susan Hart
En pejling i grænselandet. Psykoterapeuten, 2010, #1.
Den mediterende Hjerne
Indblik, forår 2006.
Den kreative hjerne
Nyhedsbrevet Resonans, 2006, København.
Psykoterapi og neuroaffektiv udvikling
Psykolog Nyt 2, januar 2005, 59. Årgang.
States of Being: consciousness levels in the triune brain and developmental ego states
Dutch Journal of Biodynamic Therapy, 2002.
Ethical Considerations in Bodypsychotherapy
Embodying the mind and minding the body. Ed: I. McNaughton. Integral Press, Vancouver, BC.
Waking the Body Ego I & II. Energy & Character, Vol. 27, no.1, 1996
Intimacy, sexuality & boundaries in bodypsychotherapy
In: Bodypsychotherapy or the art of contact. (Ed) Maul, Bernhard. pp. 18—20. Verlag Bernhard Maul, Berlin.
The Bodynamic Character Structure Model
Energy and Character, vol. 20, no. 1, April 1989. Corrections in vol. 21, no.1, April 1990.